It's early in the morning on Day 4 of my juice fast experiment and I wanted to post a quick update on how things are going so far. Day 1 For me, Day 1 wasn't actually so bad. I had expected this experiment to be similar to other challenges I've done in the past. Usually the first couple days are …
February 2012: Juice Fast
After last month's Stop Working Late experiment, I wanted to do something that wasn't work-related for my February experiment. A few months ago, my friend Bradley from Pass The Sour Cream told me about a documentary called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead." Despite the depressing title, it's a very …
Stop Working Late: Before & After
I've talked a lot about how the Stop Working Late experiment has changed my life. I was walking out of my office today at 5:00 and it really hit me that everything about my days are so much different than before. I thought it would be interesting to take you through a typical work-day in my life, …