Since starting the Monthly Experiments project, I've been thinking a lot about habits. In many ways, our habits define us. Habits can mean the difference between being rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, happy or unhappy, stressed out or stress-free. Habits vs. Circumstances Oddly, I don't …
The Two Most Important Rules For Entrepreneurs
I'm 29 years old. I was 19 the last time I had a "regular job." Over the last ten years, in one form or another, I've been an entrepreneur. I've had failures and successes. More failures, if I'm honest. I feel lucky to have had success, too. I've learned a lot from both. For the past 8 …
How to Get Out of a Rut
I've been in a publishing rut lately. Meaning, it's been too long since I clicked that little blue button that says Publish. How I got into a rut doesn't matter today. I'll save that for later. It's 5:42 right now. 5:41 was my breaking point. What's so special about 5:41? Not a damn thing. …