Hi there. This is going to be a quick introduction post so you know what to expect in 2012 and beyond.
My name is John Muldoon. You’ll get to know me a lot better as this site comes together. What you need to know right now is that I’m an entrepreneur living in the San Francisco bay area.
I’m starting this site for a few different reasons.
Taking Control
I don’t know about you, but my life can get pretty crazy at times. Between running a business multiple businesses and trying to have a life, things can get unbalanced pretty easily. Many of the experiments I have planned are about getting back some sanity, about taking control of a hectic schedule and having more fun.
Better Habits
You’ve probably heard people say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. That sounds great, right? I mean, if we can reprogram ourselves with better habits in less than a month, why wouldn’t we? That’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to take things one month at a time, and design our experiments around a better habit that we’d like to make permanent. I say “we” because I hope you’ll be excited about challenging yourself to make a change for the better–I hope you’ll want to join me.
One of the first challenges I’m going to do is to Stop Working Late. My work hours have been out of control lately, and every time I pull an all-nighter, I feel like shit the next day. Not just physically, but emotionally. During the Stop Working Late challenge, I’ll have a rule that my computer has to be shut down by 5:00 pm everyday. Working late simply won’t be an option. Stopping work at 5:00 might not sound like a big challenge to some of you (congratulations!), but I often work from sunrise to midnight. I’m really excited about this and I’ll write more about the experiment in an upcoming post.
I’ve always loved a good personal challenge. My idea of a fun vacation it to go mountain climbing. I like to push myself and discover more about my limits. It’s fun to set a goal and then meet it. This site isn’t just going to be about serious stuff like business and fitness. I’ve got some fun challenges planned that I think you’re going to like. I could even see some people wanting to follow along. The more the merrier! It would be great if we could all use this site to support each other as we push ourselves.
I’ll post another update soon.
I can’t wait to get to know you all.
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